
This page comprehensively outlines all the badges available within oYari Social. Users can earn a diverse array of badges through engaging in various activities.

Explore the impressive Amazing Aces badges earned by users, showcasing their noteworthy achievements on the Platform.

Achieve the Featured badge by having your post reach the coveted Trending Posts list. This recognition highlights the popularity and engagement of your content.

Sparkle badge is a testament to your appreciation and support for outstanding content. Earn the badge by generously propping up a post. To qualify for this badge, ensure the following conditions are met:

  • You have not selected the Skip Badge option.
  • The post is authored by someone other than yourself.
  • The post is not a gift post and is prominently displayed above the author's profile.

Be the first to extend a warm welcome to new users and earn the Welcome badge. This special recognition is bestowed upon those who greet new users with positive words on their joining post.

Glazing Gems badges are automatically assigned based on the date of your app joining and the version in use at that time. These badges provide a unique chronicle of your journey on oYari Social, reflecting the evolution of both your membership and the Platform itself.

Badge Name Version Since
Achroite0.0April 10, 2015
Agate1.0June 11, 2016
Alexandrite1.3October 28, 2017
Amber1.5July 15, 2018
Amethyst2.0March 06, 2024

Regalias badges are bestowed upon you for various activities, differing from Amazing Aces badges in that each Regalias badge is earned only once per category of activity. These unique badges mark significant achievements and milestones throughout your engagement with the Platform.

Receiving the Email badge on oYari Social is a testament to your commitment to maintaining an active and verified email address within your profile.

It ensures seamless access to the web version of the Platform as well as serves as a cornerstone for facilitating support, enabling us to provide timely assistance and address any inquiries you may have.

Emeritus badges represent a distinctive form of acknowledgment reserved for users who were active participants on versions preceding 2.0 of oYari Social and held ranks during that period.

These badges hold significance as they transcend across the top 3 rank positions and encompass cumulative range achievements. Attaining an Emeritus badge underscores your longstanding commitment and contributions to the Platform.

The Location badge is rewarded to users who grant the app permission to access their coarse (city-level) location during app usage.

Having this badge enhances both your visibility within the community and the potential for meaningful engagement with other users on the Platform.
