
Discussions are structured as Comments and their Replies, displayed on a vertical scrollable sheet in mobile apps and as an expandable section on the web. To add a new Comment, type the text in the main textbox provided.

In List mode, discussions are presented in a linear fashion, from newer to older Comments and Replies. To add a new Reply:

  • Mobile apps: Tap the Reply icon for the specific Comment or Reply.
  • Web app: Tap the +Reply link for the specific Comment or Reply.

Note: Enabling List mode requires an ELITE Card.

Nest mode is a threaded mode that organizes Comments in a list and respective Replies as expandable sections within the list items.

A textbox automatically appears at the end of any expanded Comment section to make further Replies.

Media content, Reactions, and Comment subscriptions are enhanced features for engaging in Discussions beyond text.

You can post GIFs and picture content in Discussions if you own an ELITE Card or have the Image Upload Card enabled.

Various free and premium emojis (requires ELITE/Prime Card) are available to react to existing Comments and Replies.

Tap the Donate icon below the Comments or Replies and select the desired reaction. You can also change the reaction later if needed.

To view existing reactions made by users, tap on the number before the Donate icon.

Comment subscription is available in Nest mode. Tap the Eye icon to subscribe and receive notifications when a new Reply is posted to that Comment. Prevent new Reply notifications by tapping the Eye icon again to unsubscribe from Discussions on that Comment.

By default, the Post author and participants in that Comment are already subscribed.

In our commitment to providing a healthy and safer environment, we've implemented several tools as described below.

To prevent someone from further participating in Discussions on your Post, use the Mute option. Tap the Ellipsis icon (three dots) in the bottom left corner of the Discussion itself and select Mute.

  • You cannot mute a Fellow user.
  • Muting a user must be done before deleting the Comment/Reply.

To delete a Comment or Reply on your Post, tap the Ellipsis icon (three dots) on it and select Delete.

To report a Comment or Reply, tap the Ellipsis icon (three dots) on it and select Report.
