
Post Categories

Posts are organized into different categories to help you find the content you're interested in. A single Post can belong to multiple categories.

The RECENT category displays Posts published by you, people you follow, and those promoted by the internal team.

Posts shared by users you follow appear under the VIRAL category.

The TRENDING category showcases Posts that have gained the most popularity based on the platform's algorithm.

Posts with new Discussions, allowing you to further participate, are listed in the ACTIVE category. Previously active Posts may also appear if there are no new ones in the category.

Posts that you have saved for future reference are listed under the SAVED category.

This category includes announcements, updates, and helpful tips to enhance your platform experience, published by official oYari Social accounts.

The following sections provide information on the Post publication process within oYari Social.

This video showcases how you can utilize the Rich Text Toolbar to enhance the content of your post by adding styles before publishing. This feature requires an ELITE Card.

Posts without any media attachments are published immediately.

Posts containing media, such as images or videos, may take a few minutes to publish.

Uploading media with your Post requires you to remain within the App. Leaving the App or allowing your phone to enter standby mode will interrupt the publishing process and result in a failure.

We prioritize promoting quality content. If you can't find your Post in the RECENT category, please check your profile page to see if it's published there.

The platform offers comprehensive features for viewing media such as pictures and videos, as well as engaging with them.

To zoom in on a picture and view it in full size, simply double-tap on it.

With an Elite Card, you can enjoy playing videos at half speed. The icon for this feature is located in the top bar of the video player screen.

You can show your appreciation for videos and pictures by rewarding the creators with Cents. Tap on the Donation icon and select your choice from the pop-up sheet.

Tap the Subtitle icon while playing the video to obtain machine-generated English subtitles and unlock all the options.

Watching videos more than three times requires either an Elite Card or activating the Video View Featured Card.

Post Actions

Several actions are available to perform and engage with Posts published by creative users. They are defined as follows.

You can share a Post by tapping the Share icon located at the bottom right of the Post itself.

To view the list of users who have shared the Post, tap the number shown to the left of the Share icon.

Saving a Post

You can save a Post for future reference by tapping the Bookmark icon located on the Post itself or in the top bar of its Discussion section.

Note: Saving a Post requires 1 Coin.

Propping a Post

By propping a Post, you increase its chances of appearing in the TRENDING category. You might also earn a Sparkle badge as described here. To prop a Post, simply tap the Star icon in the top bar of its Discussion section.

Subscribing/Unsubscribing to a Post

You can subscribe to a Post to receive notifications for all new comments and replies, regardless of whether you're directly involved in that particular discussion. Unsubscribing the Post stops the notifications.

To subscribe or unsubscribe, tap the Eye icon in the top bar of the Post's Discussion section.

This feature requires an ELITE Card, however, authors are automatically subscribed to their Posts.

Deleting Your Post

If you wish to remove your Post, tap the Ellipsis icon (three dots) in the top right corner of the Post itself and select Delete.

Reporting a Post

To report a Post, tap the Ellipsis icon (three dots) in the top right corner of the Post itself and select Report.
