oYari Social Honors

Honors are prestigious titles bestowed upon users based on their exemplary behavior and contributions to the Platform over time. These accolades serve as a testament to their dedication and positive impact within the community.

This Honor symbolizes the recognition of official oYari Social accounts, distinguishing them as trusted and verified entities within the Platform's ecosystem.

Fellow members are the foremost experts on the App, possessing a comprehensive understanding of its functions and features. They serve as the primary point of contact for public inquiries and assistance.

Notably, blocking Fellow members does not affect their ability to contribute to the public feed, ensuring continuous access to their valuable insights and support.

Fame members represent the pinnacle of prestige on oYari Social, embodying exemplary adherence to the Platform's standards while making substantial contributions to its expansion and enrichment.

The ELITE Honor bestows unrestricted access to all premium features available on the App. A distinctive yellow mark accompanying this Honor signifies that ELITE Cards encompass all privileges offered by Prime Cards.

The Prime Honor grants exclusive access to a curated selection of premium features, offering users enhanced functionality and benefits tailored to elevate their experience on the Platform.

The Rank Honor is conferred upon profiles that ascend to the esteemed ranks within the top 1000 positions on the Platform.
