Content and Conduct Policy

Content and Conduct Policy

This Content and Conduct Policy is a part of our Terms of Service ("Terms") and governs your use of oYari Social's social networking services through official mobile/desktop apps (collectively, the "Apps") and the website ( The services, the Apps, and the website are collectively referred to as the "Services" or the "Platform".

Please note that AS Tech Solutions ("Company", "ASTS", "we", "We", "our", "Our", "us", "Us") may change this Policy from time to time and we reserve the right to do so. This document will always represent the latest updated version of the Content and Conduct Policy.

We are committed to free expression, and we believe everyone is best served when everyone has a voice. We believe a rich diversity of viewpoints and experiences enriches our entire community. However, in order to protect the experience and safety of our users, there are some limitations on the type of content and behavior that we allow.

Hence, users including you are not permitted to perform either of the actions described in this Restricted Content and Conduct section.

Content may not be uploaded, or shared by you if it threatens the unity, integrity, defence, security, or sovereignty of India, friendly relations with foreign States, or public order.

You may not post or stream Content that demonstrates tampering with national symbols.

You may not post or engage in content that is insulting to any other nation.

You may not post or stream adult Content, which we consider to be any media that is pornographic and/or may be intended to cause sexual arousal. Some specific examples include, but are not limited to:

  • Full or partial nudity, including close-ups (whether or not clothed) of genitals, buttocks, or breasts. They should not be the most prominent thing in any photo or screen;
  • "Testing the line" with nudity, such as overtly cleavage, shorts that are too low, thongs, clothes that are too tight, or clothes that are too sheer;
  • Obscene or dirty gestures (including the middle finger);
  • Simulating a sexual act;
  • Intercourse or any other sexual act, involving humans, depictions of animals with human-like features, cartoons, hentai, or anime;
  • Content that stimulates erotic rather than aesthetic or emotional feelings;
  • Banned words that represent sexual or pornographic material in either textual, image, or audio-visual forms despite if they are malformed or obscured;
  • Expressing a desire to obtain materials that fall in the adult Content category;
  • Links or mentions to third-party sites that host sexual exploitation material;
  • Content that delineates genitals, buttocks, breasts, cameltoe, bulge, or private parts in humans or animals whereas the primary objective of the Content is different and the overall impression is just to promote lust;
  • Content that is indecent, immoral, or favors rape, sexual objectification, non-consensual activities, and molestation.

You may not post or stream Content that sexually exploits children or minors (below the age of 18) or glorifies such acts. Some specific examples include, but are not limited to:

  • Visual depiction of a minor engaging in a sexually explicit/suggestive act;
  • Illustrated, software-generated or other forms of depictions of a minor in a sexually explicit context or act;
  • Links or mentions to third-party sites that host child sexual exploitation material.

Additionally, the following behaviors are strictly forbidden on oYari Social:

  • Engaging with a minor in a sexually explicit conversation;
  • Expressing a desire to obtain materials that feature child sexual exploitation;
  • Expressing interest in any sexual act involving a child, or in harboring and/or transporting a child for sexual purposes;
  • Identifying alleged victims of childhood sexual exploitation by name or photo.

You may not post or stream Content that contains minors (below the age of 18) unless the minor's body is covered by adequate clothes from chest to thighs. This includes, but isn't limited to hentai, cartoon, anime, or any visual depiction of minors. This applies even if minors are your children or you otherwise have permission. Additionally, posting Content that contains minors should not violate any other norms mentioned in this "Content and Conduct Policy".

Abusive language, swear words, profanity, and scurrility, are prohibited on the Platform. We have censored a number of inappropriate and abusive words, and our process of identifying abusive, inappropriate, and morphed words is strict. Here is how it works:

Let us say that if an imaginary random word "butism" is censored then any variations of it, without limit, would be treated as abusive conduct (depending on the context, use, and impression). Some examples include, but are not limited to:

  • Case varitions: BUTISM, Butism, butIsm;
  • Cyrillic or accent variations: Butìsm, Bûtism;
  • Grammar or spelling variations: dutism, bootism, buttism, batiism, butttiiìiism;
  • Obscured or other malformed variations: bu*sm, bu**sm, b*t**m, b*****m, **tis;
  • Any mixture of the above, short form or long form, and direct/indirect meaning.

A Note Regarding Intent

Some Content may appear to be hateful when viewed in isolation, but may not be when viewed in the context of a broad perspective. For example, members of a particular group may refer to each other using terms that are typically considered slurs. When used consensually, the intent behind these terms is not abusive, but a means to reclaim terms that were historically used to demean individuals.

Taking that fact into account while determining abusive conduct, we additionally consider many factors, such as overall impression, the words, frequency, intention, effect on the community, etc., and may or may not take action basis on the decision.

Nevertheless, that fact doesn't offer you any reason or exemption to use such Content.

Additionally, it is not mandatory that abusive language/conduct would be applied only when a user or group of users is targeted. We may treat standalone use of inappropriate or abusive words, and presentation of such words, either in textual, audio, visual, obscure, malformed, or pure form, as a violation of the Content and Conduct Policy.

You may not produce Content that gives the impression of any Content censored by the Platform. Please don't try to replicate any Content in either manner that is obscured by the Platform in the first place.

You may not impersonate individuals, groups, or organizations in a manner that is intended to or does mislead, confuse, or deceive others.

You may not publish threats of violence or wish physical harm, death, or disease on an individual or group of people. This includes, but is not limited to, threatening or promoting terrorism.

Additionally, we don't allow any kind of threats in private messaging either.

Also, You may not promote or encourage suicide or self-harm.

You may not promote violence against, threaten, intimidate, or harass other people or groups of people on the basis of race, religion, ethnicity, nationality, gender, age, sexual orientation, profession, financial status, disability, serious disease, veteran status, or any other characteristic associated with systemic discrimination or marginalization.

You may not target individuals with Content intended to incite fear or spread fearful stereotypes about a group of people. For example "all [religious_group] are terrorists."

You may not target individuals with repeated slurs, epithets, tropes, or other content that intends to dehumanize or degrade.

You're not allowed to use abusive language or curse words, morphed images, and/or malicious recordings.

You may not post or stream text, image, or audio-visual Content whose purpose is to promote hate, hostility, and malice against others based on their race, religion, ethnicity, nationality, gender, age, sexual orientation, profession, financial status, disability, serious disease, veteran status, or any other characteristic associated with systemic discrimination or marginalization.

You may not post or stream another person's private information without their permission, including photos, videos, or voices.

Additionally, posting or streaming personally identifiable information (such as phone number, email) of you or another person is restricted on our Platform.

You may not post or stream graphically violent or gratuitously gory Content, which we consider any media that depicts death, violence, surgical procedures, or serious injury to humans or animals in graphic detail. Some specific examples include, but are not limited to:

  • Physical altercations;
  • Exposed internal organs or bones;
  • Gruesome crime or accident scenes;
  • Bodily fluids including blood, feces, semen, etc.;
  • Serious bodily harm, including visible wounds, broken bones, etc.;
  • Animal torture or killing;
  • Severely injured or mutilated animals.

Posting or streaming Content that depicts dangerous activities or products, is not permitted on the Platform. Some specific examples include, but are not limited to:

  • Dangerous controlled substances;
  • Streaming while driving any sort of vehicle;
  • Dangerous games, battles, contests, or "dares";
  • Promotion of self-harm, suicide, eating disorders, or other acts where serious injury or death may result.

You may not post or stream Content depicting illegal or regulated goods and services. Some specific examples include, but are not limited to:

  • Stolen goods;
  • Human trafficking;
  • Gambling, betting;
  • Prostitution, escort, or sexual services;
  • Products made from endangered or protected species;
  • Drugs (such as cannabis, or marijuana), drug paraphernalia, and narcotics materials;
  • Army weapons, including ammunition, firearms, and explosives;
  • Instructions on making weapons (e.g. bombs, 3D printed guns, etc.).

Certain regulated, controversial, or sensitive topics (collectively, "Topics") always exist. You may not post irrelevant Comments and Replies based on these Topics unless a Post subject is itself from within these Topics. Some specific examples of such Topics are, but are not limited to:

  • LGBTQ affairs;
  • Sex and sexual relationships;
  • Ethically questionable behaviors;
  • Smoking, drinking, e-cigarette, and tobacco products.

You may not post or stream any kind of propaganda which produces or spreads information based on biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular point of view or to target an individual or a group of individuals.

In adherence to our Content and Conduct Policy, we strictly prohibit the posting of deepfakes on our Platform. Memes, satire, animations, illustrations, and cartoons are generally not in violation of this policy if they do not cause significant confusion about the authenticity of the media as well as if there are no other policy violations present.

Our ambit of spam is quite wider. It is important that the content you share is authentic and facilitates the creation of a safe and trusted environment for people to post on the Platform.

A few examples of spam are below and you may not use the Platform to perform spamming.

  • Misleading information;
  • Attempts to damage someone's reputation;
  • Fake or unauthorized announcements or statements about the Platform;
  • Producing the same content multiple times if it intends to annoy viewers or does so;
  • Post content that misleads users about its origin, displays, or promotes false statements;
  • Content that exaggerates an existing piece of news by introducing non-factual elements into it;
  • Occupying the screen with unnecessary Content such as overuse of emojis, spaces, line breaks, symbols, or redundant characters.

You may not post or stream Content that could disrupt or burden Our ability to provide Services. Specific examples include, but are not limited to:

  • Repeatedly publishing Posts without actively engaging in Discussions.
  • Publishing Media Content as a Post solely because of the lack of a paid subscription, when it was initially intended for inclusion in Discussions.

You may not post or stream Content that is offensive, insensitive, upsetting, intended to disgust, in exceptionally poor taste, or just plain creepy.

You may not use the Platform for the purpose of phishing, or financial scams such as asking for money, offering or executing immoral or unfair practices in exchange for money, or "oYari Virtual Coins".

Commercial activities such as advertising or promoting your products, business, or services, chain letters, pyramid schemes, cryptocurrency, related offers, etc. are prohibited unless you have a signed written commercial agreement with the Company.

You may not post or stream Content that you do not have a right to make available, or that infringes any Intellectual Property rights of oYari Social, AS Tech Solutions, other users of the Services, or any third party.

You may not use oYari Social for any unlawful purposes or to further illegal activities. By using oYari Social, you agree to comply with all applicable laws governing your online conduct and content.

You may not post or stream Content that incites the commission of any offenses or prevents the investigation of offenses.

Sharing of account credentials is strictly prohibited. You're not allowed to use or attempt to use another user's account in any circumstance. You can neither solicit login credentials from another user nor falsely represent yourself as another person or representative of another person to use our Services.

You may not post or stream content from apps and websites that offer social network functionalities similar to oYari Social. Apps and websites that are smoothly identified among the global audience, such as Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Snapchat, etc., or music apps are not competitive businesses.

Asking for alternative competitive apps/websites or engaging in such Content is not allowed on the platform.

You may not post or stream Content that discourages anyone from using our Platform and Services. Some specific examples include, but are not limited to:

  • Suggestions to deactivate or delete account;
  • Welcoming new users with a negative impression;
  • Any sort of misleading information about administrative authorities or the Platform itself.

You may not use the Platform to take screenshots for the purpose of fabricating/tampering with them and to further post those fabricated screenshots on the Platform or somewhere else.

You aren't allowed to incite other users to violate any of the Platform Policies.

Despite any technical information being publicly available on the internet, you may not reveal information or share links related to technical details of the Platform.

You may not access or use the Services to breach the security of oYari Social. Some specific examples include, but are not limited to:

  • Reverse Engineering;
  • Pushing markup language, XSS attacks, or attempts to play with the Service to test your tech skills;
  • Automated or programmatic account registration or content publication;
  • Transmission of software viruses, malware, or any other harmful computer code, or files;
  • Developing or using any third-party applications that interact with the Services or other user's content or information;
  • Using any robot, spider, crawler, scraper, or other automated means or interface to access the Services or extract other user's information;
  • Using the Services in a way that could interfere with, disrupt, negatively affect, or inhibit other users from fully enjoying the Services, or that could damage, disable, overburden, or impair the functioning of the Services.

Besides the norms set in the Restricted Content and Conduct section, your Username, Display Name, and Profile Picture may not contain Content that:

  • Is vulgar.
  • Any Profile Picture which seems unclear or doubtful to us or we can't understand its representation.
  • Represents or promotes e-cigarette, smoking, drinking, hookah, bong, shisha, or tobacco products.
  • Uses our Brand name ("oYari", "oYari Social") either in pure or distorted form;
  • Impersonate you as an authoritative person on the Platform while you are not.
  • Performs representation of unacceptable Content such as axillary/pubic hairs, or malformed censored words.
  • Any Profile Picture where objectionable Content is made hidden using morphing techniques, such as hiding nipples with emoji overlapping.
  • Any creepy, ridiculous, clumsy, or cheap Content.
  • Directly or indirectly targets another user on the Platform.

We value the diverse range of media shared on our platform and strive to maintain a positive and enriching environment for all users. To ensure the quality and appropriateness of the Content, we have established the following guidelines for media publication:

We are discerning about the media (audio, video, image) posted on our platform to maintain a better standard of Content. We encourage users to contribute media that aligns with our values and enhances the overall user experience.

  • Is humorous or melodious.
  • Has inspirational speeches or talks.
  • Shows artistic or visually stunning photography.
  • Is creative and showcases unique talents or perspectives.
  • Displays beautiful views of nature, monuments, or places.
  • Teaches any useful thing or art (e.g., educational tutorials, DIY projects).
  • Demonstrates your skills such as dancing, yoga, cooking, and other constructive activities.

To maintain a safe and respectful environment, users are strictly prohibited from uploading media falling into the following example list below. Violations may result in the permanent restriction of an account from uploading media or using the Platform.

  • Misleading information or deepfakes.
  • Media with subtitles that cannot be translated due to language barriers.
  • Media containing offensive slurs or discriminatory language in audio format.
  • Any media falling under the restricted categories outlined in our Content and Conduct Policy.
  • Media featuring Content related to beaches/swimming destinations (focusing on human bodies), red-light areas, gambling establishments, casinos, bars, or pubs.

Add safe, trusted, and worthy text to your Content to let it reach to the maximum audience. Attaching your own picture or selfie, or a pleasing image spreads the reach of your Posts.

Below are some key points to expand the audience for your Content:

  • Easy readability.
  • No double meaning.
  • Should not be lewd.
  • No truncated word by the system.
  • Do not promote unhealthy activities.
  • Smoothly translatable into other languages.
  • Shouldn't directly or indirectly mention another user or a group of users.

Additionally, it is primarily the author's responsibility to remove low-quality comments and replies from their Posts and mute such users to prevent them from further degrading attempts.

There is no clear definition of low-quality Content because everything has a context. However, the list below has some specific examples of low-quality Content included, but they are not limited to them.

  • Perverted behavior.
  • Content with cheap intent.
  • Demotivated pronunciation and Content.
  • Vague Content such as "Who will give me".
  • Content that doesn't meet with the intent.
  • Malformed production of some censored words.
  • Content that is inclined towards lust or dishonor.
  • "Boring", "Boring feed", "So boring here", "Any witch around".
  • Content that doesn't explicitly meet to Restricted Content and Conduct section, however, is close to that, specially near Adult or Objectionable Content.

We strongly advise against publishing low-quality Content, as it can significantly impede effective communication and your access to the Platform and the Services.

In case the Content you post or stream, or your activity, is removed from our Platform, we will notify you of such removal and our reasons for the same. If you believe that your Content has been unfairly removed, you may appeal for a review within 72 hours post removal by emailing us at support[at] from your registered email address along with all the statements in support of your favor. We may review your statements and determine if the Content may be reposted on the Platform and if any restriction applied to your account could be removed.

We impose a variety of restrictions for violating our Content and Conduct Policy, such as limiting Content access, partial or full Content removal, warnings, temporary or permanent account suspensions, and notifying law enforcement and appropriate law enforcement agencies.

When determining the restriction, we consider a number of factors including, but not limited to the severity of the violation and the user's previous record of violations. Nevertheless, we may permanently suspend an account upon initial review if the account is engaged primarily in:

  • Deepfakes;
  • Sharing of the account;
  • Deemed to have shared a violent threat;
  • Extremely abusive or offensive speech or behavior;
  • Promoting or being involved in child/minor sexual exploitation.

This Content and Conduct Policy document is by no means an exhaustive list of either acceptable or unacceptable behaviors. We have the right to make all judgments regarding the applicability of these guidelines - in the letter or in spirit - at our sole and absolute discretion. We reserve the right to take action and prevent any user activity in our sole and absolute discretion for any reason or even no reason whatsoever.

Last but not least, just use your common sense, don't act creepy, have healthy fun, and feel proud to be a part of oYari Social, a healthy and safer social network for the civilized and good behavior community.
